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VINWC25-14 NEPAL KATHMANDUNEPAL... EDU 17/07/2025 28/07/2025

CHILDREN S SUMMER CAMP | VINWC25-14 | 2025-07-17 - 2025-07-28 | EDU | Age: 18 - 50

Children Development is one of the major programs at VIN Integrated Community Development Approach. The Goal of the Childrens development program is to protect the rights of all children by providing them access to basic quality education, developing their life skills (creativity, leadership etc.) and providing access to health and hygiene services. VIN has different projects under children s development program such as Children s Clubs (CC), Early Childhood Development (ECD), School Attendance (Teacher Development, Parenting Education, School Infrastructure Development, and Child Sponsorship), and Child Care. Even these days in Nepal, schools are focused mainly on examination and are not doing enough to develop life skills like creativity and leadership for children. Teachers only focus on reading and writing U? 1/2 rote learning. Creativity and individual differences in children are not explored. Due to the busy work schedule of parents, most of the children do not have an opportunity to socialize and be creative. These types of camps are so essential to provide life skills development opportunities to children aged between 5-12 years old. We work only with disadvantaged communities as these families cannot afford to take their children to holidays during their Winter and Summer breaks. Children don t have a proper structure and environment at home or a school to develop their innate talents. Children s camp (during winter and summer breaks) is one of the best places to explore their natural skills such as creativity and leadership. In this work camp, national and international volunteers will facilitate different types of fun and creative activities for the children where VIN works. Objectives: To provide unique opportunities for overall development (social, emotional, physical, mental, creativity) and provide a fun time for children aged between 5 and 12 utilizing their vacation period. To promote friendship, understanding, and solidarity among local young volunteers and cross-national volunteers. To provide an opportunity to understand and appreciate the Nepalese culture and traditions via cultural immersion.

Work: The volunteers will conduct children s camp to promote their innate talents and creativity for their overall physical, mental, social and emotional development. During the children s camp, volunteers will prepare sessions and take classes on physical exercises, team building, drawing, colorings and painting, art, craft and origami, singing and dancing, drama, music, hiking, teaching language, and so on.

Accomodation and food: The volunteers will stay with the host family/hostel identified by VIN. The living facilities are simple and basic. Male and female volunteers will share the same living area with separate rooms. The volunteers sleep on single beds/mattresses. Please bring your sleeping bag.


Location and Leisure: Siddhicharan Municipality Ward 2 is located in Nisankhe, Okhaldhunga district, approximately 250 km from Kathmandu. A local jeep can reach it in 8-10 hours. This region showcases the beauty of Nepal s hilly and mountainous terrain, surrounded by woods and fertile fields. For more information about the area and its development initiatives, visit www.ntchc.org.

Airport: KTM

Train/Bus station: Kathmandu

Requirements: -Basic English should be spoken among the participants -Physically sound as per the project requirements.

A VIN staff member will pick up volunteers from the airport. Please send your flight details in advance so we can provide a name card with the VIN logo. If you d like to explore earlier, you can take a pre-paid taxi or VIN can assist you. You can arrive at the VIN office on your first day.

Language: eng,eng

Extra Fee: 100 EUR

The participation fee 270 Euros (100 Euro for transportation) is to be paid on your arrivals at VIN Office.