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FSL - LTV 02 B | INDIA | OurprojectsarespreadoutacrossdifferentregionsinSou... | ANIM,ENVI,CULT | 01/01/2025 | 31/12/2025 |
Animal Care and Conservation Project | FSL - LTV 02 B | 2025-01-01 - 2025-12-31 | ANIM,ENVI,CULT | Age: 18 - 65
FSL-India, (Field Services and Inter-cultural Learning - India) is a youth development organisation focused towards Inter-cultural Learning through Voluntary Services set up to promote Global Understanding by providing opportunities to the youth to work in different cultural contexts to appreciate Inter-cultural learning. Thereby, reducing boundaries and bringing people to work together in harmony by understanding the Inter-cultural aspects focusing towards development of people and society through youth mobility and volunteerism. Founded in the year 2000 and legally incorporated in 2001, FSL-India is a Trust under Indian Trust Act 1882. It was formed with the support of like-minded National and International Organizations with a primary purpose to bring about global transformation, progress and growth through youth exchange programs. FSL-India is headquartered in Bangalore, with regional offices in Karnataka (Bangalore, Mysore and Kundapur), Tamil Nadu (Chennai), and Pondicherry and is well equipped with experienced associates who support developmental activities across the country with the help of Local and Regional Partners. Annually, FSL- Indi a mobilizes movement of 500 and more youths from across the globe with the support of International Partners and local NGOs
Work: Animal care and conservation expects not only the protection of the existing populations of animals and their habitats, but also the breeding and farming of rare animals. As a volunteer you will be assigned to work with organizations involved in the field of impacting political and economic climate, habitat protection, breeding and farming, special wildlife projects, legislative measures, nursing injured animals. The LTV volunteers will be given an opportunity to understand the social and cultural aspects of the community/project they work. The volunteers will be given experience through interactions, workshops, exchange of ideas, baseline and endline survey of the projects with the support of the mentor. At the end of their projects the volunteers will present to their universities about the outcome and impact of their projects. The project activity will consist of community service, development learning, cultural exchange, project and personal evaluation. The major activities that you may be assigned are: •Providing treatment and taking care of the Animals. •Conducting surveys, documentation, policy advocacy, designing appropriate IEC materials (Information, Education and Communication) • Community awareness and education. The Info-sheet will have more information regarding the individual projects with schedules, and activities..
Accomodation and food: Accommodation: You could be staying with local families near to the project. Sometimes, projects provide accommodation for the volunteers. The project will provide a room that is shared by other volunteers or with the staff of the project Food: South Indian vegetarian or non-vegetarian food will be provided for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Safe, filtered water is available for drinking.
Location: OurprojectsarespreadoutacrossdifferentregionsinSouthIndiaYourprojectlocationcouldbeinanyoneofthefollowinglocationsMysoreKundapuraUdupiMangaloreorPondicherryYouwillbenotifiedofthelocationofyourprojectoncewereceiveyourapplication
Location and Leisure: Our projects are spread out across different regions in South India. Your project location could be in any one of the following locations - Mysore, Kundapur, Udupi, Mangalore, North Karnataka or Pondicherry. You will be notified of the location of your project a month prior to your arrival. During the Orientation week, one can find out the leisure activities around your area. There are lots of things to do in south of India.
Airport: BLR
Train/Bus station: Nearest airport : Bangalore or Mangalore Your project location could be in any one of the following locations - Bangalore, Mysore, Kundapur, Udupi, Mangalore or Pondicherry. Specific information regarding your arrival and meeting point will be sent to you in a pre-arrival letter, which will send once we receive your application
Requirements: Fee: The Participation cost is 18,000 Indian Rupees for each month VISA: According to the new Visa Regulations, volunteers coming to India to do voluntary service with/through a registered Indian organization need to apply for an “Employment Visa” ( to work with NGO / Non-Profit organization). No other visa is acceptable. In order to apply for an Employment visa, you’ll need proof of employment with an organization in India, such as a contract that states the terms and conditions. FSL India will provide necessary documents for your visa application on request. For more information, please visit the following websites: http://www.immihelp.com/nri/indiavisa/categories.html https://mha.gov.in/PDF_Other/AnnexIII_01022018.pdf
Your project location could be in any one of the following locations - Bangalore, Mysore, Kundapur, Udupi, Mangalore or Pondicherry. The starting date of the program is the First Monday of Every Month. The on-arrival Orientation will be held in Kundapur volunteers whose projects are located in Kundapur, Udupi, Mangalore and North Karnataka. Bangalore, Mysore, Pondicherry and Chennai will have their Orientation in Kundapur Participants should make sure that they arrive in the Orientation place (Kundapur/Bangalore)on the first Monday of the month. All volunteers will meet at a common meeting point, where they will be picked up. Best way to come to Kundapur is to fly directly to Bangalore and then take an overnight bus to Kundapur or fly directly to Mangalore and then take bus or prepaid taxi to Kundapur. Kundapur is located 440 kms north-west of Bangalore, near the Arabian sea and 100kms north of Mangalore. Specific information regarding your arrival and meeting point will be sent to you in a pre-arrival letter, which will send once we receive your application
Language: eng
Extra Fee: 18000 INR
Esta beca tiene una cuota adicional, que deberás pagar antes de participar en el proyecto.
Esta beca cuenta con financiamiento para boleto de avión
Adquiere tu seguro de viajero, VIVE ASSIST te ofrece tarifas preferenciales para adquirir tu seguro de viajero, asistencia de viaje 24/7, médica, personal y legal. Así mismo este programa te apoya a resolver todas las dudas sobre tus traslados al lugar donde fuiste aceptado, te dan orientación sobre vuelos, trenes y todo lo que necesites saber sobre tu viaje.