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TW-VYA 12.2405 TAIWAN Dazhuang Community of Taichung City Work with elderly people / Festival / Cultural heritage 14/08/2024 24/08/2024

Experience Taiwan Halloween

This project is part of the SCI North South Programmes. Volunteers should be 20 years old, have previous volunteering experience and take part in the Preparation Workshops organised by their sending branch. More details from your sending branch.

Camp code:

TW-VYA 12.2405


Taiwan, Republic of China

Start Date:

14 Aug 2024

End Date:

24 Aug 2024


12: Art, culture and local history

Work Types:

Work with elderly people / Festival / Cultural heritage

Number of volunteers:


International age:

18 - 45

National age:

18 - 45

Required Language:



Description: 1. Learn about the culture of Chinese Halloween in Taiwan.

  1. Volunteers can participate in health promotion activities with elders and share their exotic cultures with children to broaden horizons and give local people unique country experiences.
  2. We hope the younger generation in the community can introduce our features to international volunteers, making them more interested in participating in activities in our community during and after the work camp.

Type of Work: 1. Elders company: The community facility holds health activities five times a week. Volunteers will participate, design interesting games, and prepare performances so that elders can experience different country cultures, have fun, and learn new things from different perspectives.

  1. Local ceremony participation: Stuff preparation for annual Chinese Halloween event.
  2. Culture sharing: Share authentic country's festive culture with elders and children.

Study Theme: No.

Accommodation: 1. All volunteers will stay in the community facility and work together while doing activities.

  1. Wash machine and dry machine provided.

Language: English & Chinese Mandarin

Requirements: 1. We highly recommend volunteers to bring their own creative ideas for activities, such as traditional/local outfits, games, performances, snacks, arts and cultural items, and other special items to share with local people.

  1. It would be great to have local ingredients/sauces that stands for your countries to share with.

Approximate Location: Location: Dazhuang Community of Taichung City, Taiwan No.1, Ln. 168, Wenhua St., Wuqi Dist., Taichung City 435, Taiwan

Google Map: 台中市梧棲區大庄社區發展協會 https://www.google.com/maps/place/%E5%8F%B0%E4%B8%AD%E7%B8%A3%E6%A2%A7%E6%A3%B2%E9%8E%AE%E5%A4%A7%E5%BA%84%E7%A4%BE%E5%8D%80%E7%99%BC%E5%B1%95%E5%8D%94%E6%9C%83%EF%BC%88%E9%95%B7%E5%A3%BD%E4%BF%B1%E6%A8%82%E9%83%A8%EF%BC%89/@24.2467218,120.5407153,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x346914db2e4c6917:0x1b4db9fa3d9e49bd!8m2!3d24.2467169!4d120.542904

Notes: No.

EXTRA FEE: 50 euros