Corto plazo Senior |
NICE-24S-0908C | MALASIA | KualaLumpur... | ELDE | 08/09/2024 | 21/09/2024 |
Golden Age 4 | NICE-24S-0908C | 2024-09-08 - 2024-09-21 | ELDE | Age: 18 - 50
This project is actively working for SDGs 10 (Reduced Inequalities), organized together with Malaysian Organization of Volunteer Exchange (MOVE) since 2019 in this place. MOVE is a workcamp NGO founded in 2006. Bernice Home was found by a lady by the name of Bernice. She started this home for senior citizens who need quality home care services to seniors with limited mobility or dementia and hence social interaction. She started this home in 2000 and the second home in 2018. The founder belief “life shouldn’t end when you are old, it should be full of happy memories regardless of the age. The founder wants to keep the seniors active and engaged through physical, mental and social activities, all in the comfort of their home.The workcamp was revived in 2023 and 2 STVs from Japan + 1 MTV from Czech did great work, so they have decided to host the workcamp again!
Work: Volunteers will help in arranging extra activities for the senior citizens, such as art, craft, painting, gardening, storytelling, music and movement activities. Other than that, volunteers could help the nursing care helpers to cook and take part in daily cleaning routines. Some of the days, bring the senior citizens for an evening walk if weather permits. Otherwise lots of, indoor activities could be conduct.
Accomodation and food: Bernice Home. Three meals will be provided. Sleeping bag is necessary. There is open space with attach bathroom/toilet. Volunteers will use the space as their accommodation and sleep by using sleeping bag.
Location: KualaLumpur
Location and Leisure: The home is located in Jalan Ipoh, Kuala Lumpur. https://goo.gl/maps/84vfEaSMEaBL2b4x8
Train/Bus station: Kuala Lumpur - Volunteers will meet at the nearest train station and need to arrive at the airport by 14:00 on the first day and can leave the airport after the noon on the last day.
Requirements: Bring along your expertise, such as singing, dancing, arts and craft and most important your caring heart to engage with these old people. 1,050 MYR (206 EUR by the rate on 2024 Nov. 19) for 14 days and 650 MYR (127 EUR) for 6 days to be paid on your arrivals. 10% less for repeaters of MOVE workcamps and those from less expensive countries.
Language: eng
Extra Fee: 220 EUR
Situation of senior citizens and elderly home in each country. Local SDGs (2030 goals) of Bernice Home
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