
Aviso de privacidad

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NG-VWA 7.4 NIGERIA Permaculture Forest Garden Archaeology / Cultural heritage / Social 04/12/2024 18/12/2024

Multi-cultural & Holiday Festival

This project is part of the SCI North South Programmes. Volunteers should be 20 years old, have previous volunteering experience and take part in the Preparation Workshops organised by their sending branch. More details from your sending branch.

Camp code:

NG-VWA 7.4



Start Date:

04 Dec 2024

End Date:

18 Dec 2024


7: Children and youth

Special Topics:

Climate for Peace Programme


Mixed Age Camp

Work Types:

Festival / Social / Study, discussion, research

Number of volunteers:


Free places for Males:


Free places for Females:


Free places last update:

22 Feb 2024

International age:

18 - 99

National age:

18 - 99

Extra fee to be paid in the hosting country:

300.00 Euro [5534 Mexican Peso]

  1. Accommodation and food: 100.00 Euro
  2. Transportation: 50.00 Euro
  3. Activities: 150.00 Euro
  4. Hosting organisation support: 0 Euro

Purpose of extra costs:

The participation fee will cover expenses on daily feeding, moderate accommodation, administration, on-arrival orientation, group travels to the project site, preparation, certification, logistics support and other expenses for the comfort of the volunteer and the project through-out the camp. There is no fee payment for a return trip to Airport. Payment is made by the volunteer on arrival to the country.

Required Language:


Description: Permaculture Forest Garden (Environmental Education Centre) project teaches permaculture, environmental education and sustainability topics to the youngsters in the community. Our workcamp focuses on improving facilities on the project centre and to support practical and theoretical learning about environmental issues among volunteers and young people in local community. It offers the space for volunteers that want to learn about permaculture in practice, sustainability and environmental issues in Nigeria, and making handcraft products from waste materials.

Type of Work: Volunteers will plant trees, flowers and also carry out a beautification project at a public monument in Badagry. Make a Boat cruise to Point of No-Return Monument Centre and visit Ancient Museums. Participate in the International Volunteers day and also take part in Volunteers Expo usually organized last month of the year.

Study Theme: Holiday Festival Camp & International Volunteer Exchange

Accommodation: Volunteer will stay together in the permaculture centre. The facilities within the centre are basic amenities (viz: shared room, shower and kitchen). Please bring your own sleeping bag otherwise we shall provide.

Language: The official communication language through-out the Camp is English.

Requirements: Volunteers should be open to new cultures, enthusiastic to exchange/learn about environmental issues. Please come working gloves, water proof clothes and booths.

Approximate Location: The Holiday Festival workcamp will take place at the Permaculture Forest Garden (Environmental Education Centre) project in Badagry Lagos, which is part of the peninsular which separates the Lagoon of Lagos from the Atlantic Ocean.

Notes: There will be social nights and cultural weekends. So volunteers should come with cultural habits and possible costumes and cookies to denote their culture. Intercultural cooking competition will be done at camp. Visits will be made to ancient relics and galleries. Excursion will be made to slave monument and relics in Nigeria. An extra fee (optional) Will be requested to visit slave camp or gallery and other tourist centres and Badagry Beach – this is optional.