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ALLI03 FINLANDIA OULAINEN... MANU,CULT 30/06/2024 13/07/2024

OLD POWER | ALLI03 | 2024-06-30 - 2024-07-13 | MANU,CULT | Age: 16 - 17

The camp host is the local 4H club. 4H stand for Head, Hands, Heart and Health and it is an international network of rural youth which aims at developing the skills of young people. In Finland 4H is the biggest youth organisation with 250 local associations.

Work: The work will be to assist in organising a local event called National Old Power days which displays historical engines, tools and machinery. There will be about 20 000 people visiting the event during three days. The volunteers will assist in practical tasks in arranging the event, e.g. set up a cafe, selling refreshments and tidying up the area during the event and afterwards. The volunteers must be prepared to do different kinds of work in various weather conditions. There will be hard work, but also lots of fun with locals and other volunteers. The aim of the camp is to give the volunteers a chance to experience Finnish history, nature and culture and enable the local young people to meet young adults from other countries.

Accomodation and food: Volunteers will live with local families. Meals are provided. On excursion days and free days, packed lunches are provided.

Location: OULAINEN

Location and Leisure: Oulainen is a small town, about 7800 inhabitants. It is about 100 km south from Oulu and about 550 km north from Helsinki. Various summer activities such as swimming, swamp football, playing games, excursions to nearby sights and fishing are possible. There are two ways to travel from Helsinki to Oulainen. You can travel from Helsinki to Oulu by plane and then take a train or bus from Oulu to Oulainen. Another option is to take a train directly from Helsinki to Oulainen.

Airport: OUL

Train/Bus station: Oulu

Requirements: Parental consent form is required.The volunteers need travel insurance for the duration of their stay. Extra fee of 150 euros.


Language: eng,fin

Extra Fee: 150 EUR