Corto plazo Senior |
SDA104 | REPÚBLICA CHECA | Kyselka... | RENO,MANU | 18/08/2024 | 27/08/2024 |
Get creative, paint cabins, drink Mattoni! | SDA104 | 2024-08-18 - 2024-08-27 | RENO,MANU | Age: 18 - 99
This workcamp is organized in cooperation with Local Action Group Krusne hory (LAG Ore Mountains) and the municipality of Kyselka. This LAG focuses on the support and development of the region through organizing and funding educational and cultural projects, connecting various stakeholders, preparing tourist brochures or co-organizing volunteer activities. Kyselka is located 11 kilometres from Karlovy Vary in the forested valley of the Ohre River and its history is associated with Heinrich Matonni and the spa industry. The aim of this workcamp is to renovate cabins at Ontario Recreation Area. At this workcamp, you will actively contribute to the achievement of UN SDG11 Sustainable Cities and Communities.
Work: The subject of the work activity is the repair of 2 larger cabins in the recreation area. Specifically, it will be surface modifications of the cabins (except for the roof) - sanding the exterior and interior walls of the cabins, new paint, and minor repairs. Furthermore, repair of the outdoor terrace in front of the cottage - removal of old floorboards and laying of new ones, including necessary coatings, minor interior repairs, and woodwork. The work is not physically demanding, but it is necessary to count work in the position of raised hands, work from the ladder, paint the upper part of the walls of the cabins, handle lumber material for the terrace, clean the material, etc. No previous experience is required, bring clothes and shoes that can get dirty or damaged and a raincoat.
Accomodation and food: You will be accommodated in cabins directly on the premises of the Ontario Recreational Area. You will sleep on beds and blankets, pillows and bedsheets will be provided. The bathrooms are in another building. You can use a washing machine if you need to. There is no heating or air conditioning in the cabins. WiFi is available in the central building. Basic kitchen equipment - cooker, kettle, cups, glasses, casserole, etc. will be available in the hut. Lunches will be provided by the locals, and breakfast and dinner will be prepared by the volunteers.
Location: Kyselka
Location and Leisure: The Ontario Recreation Area is located in Kyselka near Karlovy Vary in the western part of the country. Kyselka means acidulous mineral water which is produced in the village. It is a very popular bottled water sold in the Czech Republic called Mattoni. In the Ontario Recreational Centre, there is a central building, wooden cabins, sanitary facilities, a pub, a playground, a fireplace, and a swimming pool. The phone coverage is good. The closest cities are Ostrov and Karlovy Vary, famous for the film festival, where you can find all the services such as ATMs, grocery stores and pharmacies. You will have a chance to meet with the local community in a joint event, e.g. forest clearing or landscaping for the creation of a park, the possibility of joint sports activities or sitting around a campfire. In case of interest, it is possible to arrange boats for an afternoon ride down the Ohre River.
Airport: PRG
Train/Bus station: Bus stop : Kyselka.
Requirements: We would like to inform you from the 15th of May, the extra charge for this camp will be changed to 20 euros. Bring suitable clothes and shoes for work, a raincoat and a towel. You need to respect the other people accommodated in the Ontario Recreational Area, especially the quiet night hours. It is prohibited to smoke inside the cabins. Workcamp is suitable for anyone who loves nature, is not looking for perfect comfort and is willing to explore the local beauty on their own. Beware of allergies - dust, pollen etc.
Directly from the Prague airport, take the Regiojet bus at 15:00 to Karlovy Vary Terminal bus station. Then change to bus 420313 23 at 17:15 and get off at the Kyselka stop where your campleader will pick you up at 17:40. Detailed travel information will be provided in the Infosheet.
Language: eng
Extra Fee: 10 EUR
Getting to know the local history connected with the name of Heinrich Mattoni and the spa in the village of Kyselka - a tour of the former spa area, Mattoni trail, Mattoni museum, Bučina lookout tower, visit to the reconstructed historical cinema, Radošov - historical wooden bridge, church.
Esta beca tiene una cuota adicional, que deberás pagar antes de participar en el proyecto.
Esta beca cuenta con financiamiento para boleto de avión
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