Corto plazo Senior |
CYA2410 | CAMBOYA | BattambangCambodia... | EDU,KIDS,SPOR | 17/06/2024 | 28/06/2024 |
Development for Cambodian Children (DCC) | CYA2410 | 2024-06-17 - 2024-06-28 | EDU,KIDS,SPOR | Age: 18 - 80
We have been working with children since 2002 by providing English language skills, computer skills, grass root soccer for development and community development. There are four projects are mainly focused on: education (English, basic computer skill, and coding),sports (mostly football), environment, community development. Youth development is another project that we are trying to build up the capacity of young people in community to be the future leaders. Its vision is to see all children live and prosper in an environment of happiness, love, and respect for others, and whose aim is to create a brighter future.
Work: It s a new project of CYA so volunteers applying for working with DCC project as a LTV will gain a great experience of working with various group of people and exploring the local life in Cambodia while performing different tasks as follow: Teaching English and non -formal education to student sat DCC Supporting DCC project staffs to develop and initiate new programs for its students to better their learning.
Accomodation and food: Volunteers will stay at volunteer s house in the center and Food will be provided by local chef.
Location: BattambangCambodia
Location and Leisure: There are plenty of tourist attraction sites located in or nearby Battambang province for example: Phnom Sampov, Prasat Phnom Banan, Phnom Yat, and more.. Volunteer can explore by themselves during their free day. DCC is not far from Battambang city therefore, beside your free day touring you can also have fun by interacting with local people, teenagers and children during your free time by organizing different activities so bring your flexibility and creativity.
Language: eng
Extra Fee: 220 USD
Esta beca tiene una cuota adicional, que deberás pagar antes de participar en el proyecto.
Esta beca cuenta con financiamiento para boleto de avión
Adquiere tu seguro de viajero, VIVE ASSIST te ofrece tarifas preferenciales para adquirir tu seguro de viajero, asistencia de viaje 24/7, médica, personal y legal. Así mismo este programa te apoya a resolver todas las dudas sobre tus traslados al lugar donde fuiste aceptado, te dan orientación sobre vuelos, trenes y todo lo que necesites saber sobre tu viaje.