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IBOIT06TEEN ITALIA ToroCampobasso... MANU 03/07/2024 10/07/2024

Toro (CB) TEEN | IBOIT06TEEN | 2024-07-03 - 2024-07-10 | MANU | Age: 14 - 17

The camp stems from IBO Italy s collaboration with the Association "Liberi di essere", which deals with the promotion and development of the territory in the province of Campobasso. The camp includes activities to support local communities, in particular the municipalities of Toro and Colle d Anchise for "Living with Care towards a Solidary Molise and Shared Good Practices". - The objective of the activity in the Municipality of Toro is to enhance a rural trail "Il Sentiero di_Vino" and traditional artefacts such as dry-stone walls and small shelter artefacts (formerly used by shepherds: e.g. cleaning a snowbox or working on a fountain). Agriculture and breeding and/or milk processing activities are also planned. All this is aimed at regenerating the fabric of the local and resident community of all ages. Thus being actors in a local folk/material culture, if only for a limited time. The aim of the camp is also to leave room for relations with locals and share common moments to acquire or experience knowledge from the elders in order to raise awareness of the value of the heritage of community knowledge .

Work: The early morning hours will be dedicated to work, with community teachers who are volunteers too - there will be an interval (the hours between lunch break and afternoon until 16:30 will be passed in autonomy), then resumed until 20:00 at latest. Much will depend on the weather conditions. The work intervention will take place in the Toro area, with some afternoons at the headquarters of APS LIBERI di ESSERE in Campobasso – where the Solidarity Shop and the permanent art laboratory are active. Therefore wasted resources or secondary materials that can be used as a fundraiser to support the APS itself and the social of inclusion of fragile and/or vulnerable subjects will be valorised.

Accomodation and food: Volunteers will be accommodated in a 3-bedroom, 2-bathroom facility. There is a kitchen to share breakfast, lunch and dinner. Volunteers will take turns in preparing meals with their camp leaders.

Location: ToroCampobasso

Location and Leisure: Nature, archaeology and history excursions of cultural sites and/or museums are planned. For all the activities that require it, there will be asked an additional cost during the camp.

Airport: NAP

Train/Bus station: Campobasso train and bus station

Requirements: Maximal flexibility and open mindness. We will program the free time with particular attention to evetual budget that needs to be integrated. It is very important to be informed of eventual intolerances and allergies that have to do with food to organise more easily the meals.

Volunteers will be expected at the central train station in Campobasso at 15,00 or directly to Toro Village at 16,00. On 10/7 volunteeers will be accompanied to the train station of Campobasso with departure from Toro village before 10,00 o’clock. TRAVEL: - choose one of the arrival airports in Italy - Rome - Naples - Pescara - then proceed by train AND/OR bus to Campobasso

Language: eng

Extra Fee: 250 EUR