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SAVWA 0084 | SUDAFRICA | SoshanguvePretoriaSouthAfrica... | SPOR,KIDS,SOCI | 01/07/2024 | 15/07/2024 |
SAVWA Sports Development Programme | SAVWA 0084 | 2024-07-01 - 2024-07-15 | SPOR,KIDS,SOCI | Age: 18 - 99
The South Africa Volunteer Work Camp Association (SAVWA) will contribute towards the development of South African communities both urban and rural through local, national, regional and international volunteers to work together towards the cultural, economic, socio-political well-being of young people and marginalised persons or groups through empowerment work camps programs and promotion of sustainable development. The South Africa Volunteer Work Camp Association shall work and collaborate with other Volunteer driven organisation, Regional Work Camp Associations, and organisations. South Africa Volunteer Work Camp Association is a member of Southern African Workcamp Cooperation (SAWC), Partner with Service Civil International (SCI), Full member of Coordinating Committee for International Voluntary Service (CCIVS) and Partner Member of Alliance if European Voluntary Service Organisations.
Work: Empowering young people in Sports development skills and intensive work camp project with hands on initiative, addressing issues on Gender using sports methodology. The Sports Development Programme will require volunteers to be involved in different sports activities such as learning simple sports and games activities. Volunteers will interact and teach children sports and artistic activities they have. Volunteers will be able to interact with the community also. This is an exciting project as volunteers have opportunity to work with different communities and interact with children in sports development and impact leadership skills to the children
Accomodation and food: Accommodation shared with the other volunteers; The accommodation is granting easy access to public transportation, shops, and various entertainment facilities and is fully equipped with modern amenities, furniture, cosy bunk beds with fresh bed sheets, cutlery, and essential toiletries
Location: SoshanguvePretoriaSouthAfrica
Location and Leisure: The Weekend is meant to be for free tours that the group can organize by themselves. All our work camps are reserved for cultural nights when each volunteer can present her/his country and culture and prepare a dish from your country Qualification of participants: Open minded, ready to interact with other people of different cultural background - Positive attitude - Willing to share his/her experiences - Flexible to live/stay in simple living conditions - Flexible to eat local food - Ready to do academic work on the project and No experience needed at all. Willingness to guide students especially in cultural and arts activities mostly afternoon work from 2 pm till 6 pm mostly. Some weekends may have excursions with students to different areas of Pretoria
Airport: JNB
Train/Bus station: O.R. Tambo International Airport
Requirements: The work camp participation fee is strictly Euro 260 and this covers simple accommodation, food and project expenses office running/administrative expenses, certificate of participation during the camp, communication prior to, during and after the camp. Please note that this does not include travel expenses to and from the camp, pick up from airport so participants are asked to reserve a small amount of money for transport to the camp and vice-verse. We advise all volunteers to ask for advice from us when they are planning to book their ticket to Pretoria.
Book your tickets to OR Tambo International Airport, Johannesburg, South Africa Take the Gautrain from OR Tambo International Airport located upstairs of the Arrival Lounge to Pretoria station. Purchase a train card once you exit the airport to follow online on www.gautrain.co.za This is a world class train safe and reliable. You will change train at Marlboro station take train going towards Pretoria station on Platform A. Once a Pretoria station just wait for SAVWA official to pick you up. Please reserve a small amount of money for transport to the camp and vice-verse. We advise all volunteers to ask for advice from us when they are planning to book their ticket to Pretoria and let us know of their date of arrival and departure.
Language: eng
Extra Fee: 300 EUR
Esta beca tiene una cuota adicional, que deberás pagar antes de participar en el proyecto.
Esta beca cuenta con financiamiento para boleto de avión
Adquiere tu seguro de viajero, VIVE ASSIST te ofrece tarifas preferenciales para adquirir tu seguro de viajero, asistencia de viaje 24/7, médica, personal y legal. Así mismo este programa te apoya a resolver todas las dudas sobre tus traslados al lugar donde fuiste aceptado, te dan orientación sobre vuelos, trenes y todo lo que necesites saber sobre tu viaje.