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GSM-B03 TURQUÍA Mersin... KIDS,ART,SOCI 30/07/2023 12/08/2023

Kids and Art - 03 | GSM-B03 | 2023-07-30 - 2023-08-12 | KIDS,ART,SOCI | Age: 18 - 30

We will organize this camp in cooperation with Mezitli Municipality and this year It will be the fifth year of our cooperation. Mezitli Municipality, democratic, social, fair and transparent municipality has proven its understanding with the international awards it has received, social innovation in Turkey and in the world. It has been one of the most influential municipalities in Humanitarian aid for earthquake victims services are available. https://mezitli.bel.tr

Work: Two major earthquakes in Kahramanmaraş, southeast of Turkey, and 10 cities were affected by the hundreds of aftershocks that followed. Thousands of buildings destroyed and much more took heavy damage. Tens of thousands of adults and children affected by the earthquake were transferred to temporary accommodation areas in the surrounding safe cities. Many of these regions are was established by municipalities and many of them continue to be established. More than 150,000 earthquake survivors live in Mezitli. Many of the earthquake victims stay in their relatives houses, student dormitories and private estates in various parts of the city. Various art activities will be organized in order to reduce the trauma of children who came from the earthquake region and experienced the earthquake in Mezitli and to heal their anxiety disorders through art. With the collaboration of artists from various regions of Turkey and you, our esteemed volunteers, workshops such as painting, music and creative drama will be organized, and activities such as social clowning and magic will be carried out. Through these studies, it is aimed to reduce the anxiety experienced by children aged 10-14 and 15-17. In addition, you will be able to support all kinds of work, such as a soup kitchen for earthquake victims, humanitarian aid materials, if needed. Appropriate accommodation conditions such as landscaping need to be created. The earthquake was felt closely in Mezitli. However, it did not have a devastating effect here. Still, many adults and children in the area experienced the fear of the earthquake, and many children were exposed to the psychological effects of this fear. Similar social activities will be organized for children whose houses were not destroyed in the earthquake, but who experienced the panic of the earthquake. In this context, gamified trainings are also planned for children on the scientific causes of natural disasters, living in peace and harmony with nature, and sustainable development goals. Volunteers who can provide visual, auditory and non-formal education and activities for children and young people aged 10-14 and 15-17 will be preferred. All these activities will be held in Happy Life Village, which is owned by the Mezitli Municipality. In this program, the subjects of study may change in line with the needs of Mezitli Municipality. Every contribution you make will provide social and community benefits to the local people.

Accomodation and food: Volunteers will stay in Happy Life Village belonging to Mezitli Municipality. It is a facility where social work is carried out for children and young people, national and international volunteers. It supports the social work done here throughout the year. There is bungalow houses for 2-3 people and there is a dormitory for 40 people (20 female, 20 male). Volunteers, depending on the situation and need this bungalow will be placed in houses. Toilet, bathroom, social areas, green space, cafeteria, air conditioning and security is available. Happy Life Village is a social environment that is developing and enriching day by day. Volunteers sometimes eat in the cafeteria of Happy Life Village, sometimes in the soup kitchen, Sometimes they can eat in the municipality and sometimes as food. Ready meals for volunteers will be provided. Sometimes, volunteers will be able to have their meals at the Down Cafe. in this cafe individuals with Down syndrome are employed. Cost of meals eaten by volunteers here It is covered by the municipality and in this way, individuals with Down syndrome are supported, contributes to equal opportunities in life.

Location: Mersin

Location and Leisure: Mersin is a coastal city full of historical, cultural and social places where volunteers can spend social time. The host institution, Mezitli Municipality, will do its best to provide you with sufficient opportunities to access activities where you can experience Mersin and Mediterranean culture and spend social time.

Airport: ADA

Train/Bus station: Mersin Bus Station or Mersin Train Station. The nearest airport is Adana Sakirpasa Airport. You can take your shuttle from the Adana Sakirpasa Airport directly to the meeting point. You can book your flight to the Istanbul Airport or Ankara Airport as well.

Requirements: Volunteers who can communicate with children, produce and implement activities with non-formal education methods. Volunteers with artistic abilities such as music, painting, dance, pantomime.


Language: eng

Extra Fee: 0

No extra fee. Donations will be accepted.