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DALAA-WC66010 TAILANDIA Kok Riang, SongKhla AGRI/EDU/ART 15/10/2023 21/10/2023

DALAA ANNIVERSARY CAMP DALAA-WC66010 2023-10-15 – 2023-10-21 AGRI/EDU/ARTS  AGE: 18-99

A week together to experience and practice the values of ourassociation through living, learning and working together withstaff, members, hosts, volunteers, children, teenagers, young andelderadults. Community power, sharing minds, discussions, dialogues, spontaneity, agriculture, sharing cultures, an open space, awelcoming area, initiatives, ready to help, to play, to heal, alwaysready to learn, and eating together… voluntary spirit.

Aims of the project: To bring together DaLaa members (previous andnewmembers), international volunteers, old friends, project hostsand interested people  To manage our daily life smoothly in a spontaneousenvironment and activities, mixing all ages  To promote and make understanding of DaLaa culture, common values and IVS (International Voluntary Service) anddiscuss more about our role in the society. Moreover, makeparticipants feel active and responsible in DaLaa.  To celebrate the 19th years Anniversary of DaLaa organization

Food & Accommodation Volunteers will sleep in tents and small huts. There will besimplemats, pillow, and mosquito net. You will need to bring your sleepingbag (and a small mattress if you need). There are basictoilets, showers and a kitchen. We will take time to cook. Volunteers will bewelcome to cook their own food using the ingredients availablethere. (No oven, only a clay oven, a gas and woks or pans.

Location: DaLaa association, Kok Riang, SongKhla, 

Requirements The volunteers should be ready to stay in a local area, andadapt tothe local conditions with only basic facilities. Very fewlocal peopleare able to speak in English. You should be able to take responsibility for themselves and the team by taking care of their health and security and be fully involved in the daily tasks. Other than that, bring your smile, heart, and spirit to enjoy the camp.

Language: Eng

Extra fee: 5,000 TH