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Corto plazo
DALAA-WC6608 TAILANDIA Phang-nga KIDS/EDU 08/08/2023 19/08/2023

BAN PRU NAI SCHOOL DALAA-WC6608 2023-08-08 – 2023-08-19 KIDS/EDU  AGE: 18-99

Koh Yao is a Muslim island in the Andaman sea of SouthThailand. Since it started to become a tourist attraction, there have beensomebig changes in the local communities’ lifestyle. The villagers startedtomove from fishing and agriculture to tourismindustry-relatedwork. People realized slowly the dangers of losing their friendlysufficientcommunities and environment issues are rising quickly. Duringthese2weeks, volunteers will join the school; primary – high school, tohelpto organize activities with kids and take part in the realitiesofthelocal population. This way we hope to get more mutual understandingbetween the local population and the international communitiesandmake a small step in a better direction for all of us. Aims of the project  To support alternative education for students.  To bring awareness on voluntary mind and public participationamong the community members.  To develop cultural exchange among the community members.


WorK: Give non-formal English classes and other fun activities withthestudents • Create teaching materials for teacher and kids • Voluntary service activities with the community.

Accommodation and Food: Volunteers will sleep in school meeting roomor at villagers’ house(depending on number of volunteers). You will need to bringyourownsleeping bag, fold-able mat, and mosquito net with you. Therearebasic toilets, showers and a kitchen at the school canteen. Theteachersand villagers will help the volunteers to cook. Local people eat rice(ornoodles) 3 times a day with side dishes like curries, omelets, local 25leaves, and vegetables. Volunteers will be welcome to cooktheirownfood using the ingredients available there. (No oven, only a gas and woks or pans).

Location: Ban Pru Nai School, Koh Yao Yai, Phang nga, 

Requirements Volunteers should be ready to stay in a local area, to adapt tothelocalconditions with only basic facilities. Very few local people areabletospeak in English. Volunteers should be able to be with the kids andprepare some games and material for teaching.

Language: Eng

Extra fee: 9,500 THB.