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BNP-09 NEPAL Banepa FOREST/COMU 01/12/2023 14/12/2023

Banepa Internationalꟾ BNP-09ꟾ 2023-12-01 – 2023-12-14 ꟾ COMU/FORESTꟾAGE: 18-99

We are working to make better conditions of the Sinegal village community in the Kavre district, near Banepa. We’re assisting in the development of effective agricultural methods. We will be developing environmental awareness and community forestry. We are working together with the local community to build a community house that can be used for various activities or for shelter in case of emergency. The Sinegal village is located in the Kavre district, at an altitude of 1800 m, about 30 km east of Kathmandu. Our activities take place around Banepa, a town just an hour bus ride away from Kathmandu. Nature is all around and the air here is far better than in the bustling capital. Banepa offers amenities like restaurants with Wi-Fi, pharmacies, grocery stores, etc. After the earthquake, a lot of buildings were destroyed. The local population needs help in the rebuilding of the village.

Work - Building a water tank and a well, for clean water access - Construction of a seniors home, organization of daily activities for seniors, creation of a garden near the community house - Help with the empowerment of women, to prepare them for the job market - Further develop the community house, with the creation of a rooftop space to be used as meeting space - Making fire line( fire break) surrounding community forest - Reconstruct Hindu temple in the Banepa village - Construction of a wall around the local primary school - Repair of wooden shelters for the local community.

Location: Banepa - 11, Sinegal, Kavrepalanchok, Nepal

Accommodation and food : we will recommend you to stay at hotel Hanna in Thamel in Kathmandu and they will charge 10 euro for the single room with simple facilities if anyone like to stay more luxurious hotel also available upon their budget they can also chose best place but they need to come at meeting time at hotel Hana before departure to the project. 

Meeting point: 5:00 PM at Hotel Hanna Thamel Kathmandu or Tribhuwan International airport up to your request.

Airport pick : 1. We will pick up our volunteers from the Tribhuvan International airport in Kathmandu according to the arrival information. ( please kindly let us know your flight detail in time we will manage your travelling arrangement in Nepal) 2. The person who don’t need pick up from the airport they can directly come to the Hotel Hanna Thamel by using airport prepaid taxi or directly at orientation meeting 3. All volunteers will travelling together with our camp leaders so please kindly arrive in Kathmandu one day early before the project if he or she came late they have to manage travelling by themselves.

Extra activities : If anyone like to explore Nepal before and after the project we will also help you to find good company for your traveling arrangement in Nepal upon your request but it is not compulsory

Participation fee 275 € Office registration:50 Project donation:50 food and acomondation:150 local transpotation:25

Language: English

Extra fee: 275 EUR