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Corto plazo
MCE/08 MONGOLIA Ulaanbaatar KIDS/AGRI 05/08/2023 18/08/2023

Eco farming-5MCE/08 2023-08-05 – 2023-08-18   AGRI/KIDS AGE: 18-99  

Since 2000 we have had volunteers around the world joining our summer programs which were designed around building sustainable vegetable  farming facilities. Over the years we have learned that developing eco-friendly and sustainable farming facilities does require a lot of research on improving our farming methods, learning the best practices from local farmers on improving the crop quality and perseverance despite the setbacks which were imminent in harsh Mongolian continental climate, with long, frigid winters and short, warm summers.

We are hoping to transform our eco-friendly vegetable farming facility into a sustainable organic farming training center which teaches the low income families how to grow healthy greens on their own. Organic fruits and vegetables are sparse and expensive in Mongolia which makes them unaffordable for many low income families. We are planning to donate any crops from our facilities to families in need in addition to providing them with the knowledge how to grow their own crop.

Work: Main works are helping at eco farm trough our work such as remove the weeds in the field, working in green house,  making water canal for farm, making compost  etc. Quite tiring but let's enjoy it. Eco farming methods/know how of other countries.  The future plan of international workcamps etc.  

Accomodation and food: Summer house and Mongolian traditional tents which is GER (traditional tent). Cooking by volunteers with  a local staff.

Location: 45 km from Ulaanbaatar.  Place name is “BUHUG”. The sight is just unbelievably beautiful, typical Mongolian plain.

Meeting point: Ulaanbaatar, Chinggis Khaan International airport or International train station of Ulaanbaatar

Requirements: The additional fee of 250 USD (or equivalent amount of MNT or Euro by current rate of Mongolian bank) should be paid on your arrival directly. 

Language: English

Extra fee: 250 USD