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Corto plazo
RC-12/23 INDIA Bandh and Solan ART/SOC 14/08/2023 26/08/2023

IMAGINATION 2 CREATION| RC-12/23 | 2023-08-14 - 2023-08-26| ART/SOC| Age: 18 - 99

Arts and crafts is a good medium to try ones creativity and put their thoughts into practice. This medium can be used to express once feelings and hidden talent. The Workcamp will provide participants this opportunity to show their skills for productive and educational activity.

Work:  Volunteers will work in Ruchi campus or adjoining schools doing arts work/painting on wall and preparing awareness materials to search talent among children. Subject would be related to peace and love, Global warming, inter-cultural learning, good message through painting on wall for youth and public. Volunteer will get orientation before starting project. Additional activities will include learning of various developmental issues and solutions. They will visit various humanitarian projects and interact with the villagers.

Location: Bandh and Solan

Location and Leisure: Ruchi campus is located near Bandh village. It is 30 km from Kalka and 60 km from Chandigarh. Bandh village is small located in interior mountainous area and the volunteers will have a unique opportunity to live with nature in a peaceful environment. RUCHI campus is one km. from the village. Self organized city tours and excursions. Old Sikh and Hindu temples in the near vicinity can be visited. Nearby Kasauli town is another hill station as a tourist attraction. A visit to Shimla will offer an opportunity to see high Himalayan Mountains.

Accommodation and food: Volunteers will live in the RUCHI campus. All basic amenities will be available with library facilities. Asian squat type toilet and English WC will be available. Vegetarian food will be served. A cook will be there but volunteers are expected to help him and occasionally cook their own meals. Selfmanagement is required. Meantime volunteer can learn Indian cuisine (cooking). Sleeping bag is required

International Terminal: Chandigarh

Nearest railway station: Kalka

Requirements: Interest in Art and willingness to use their creative skills to practice are preferred.

Language: Eng

Extra Fee: 220 EUR