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RC-19/23 INDIA Baddi and Bandh ENV 30/10/2023 11/11/2023

SAVE WATER-EACH DROP MATTERS| RC-19/23 | 2023-10-30 - 2023-11-11 | SOC/EDU| Age: 18 - 99

Water is a precious resource. Despite having good rainfall in this area people still face serious problem during non-monsoon months. For their needs, people are dependent on natural springs and streams. Due to neglect of these water sources, people face hardship and quite often suffer from water borne diseases. RUCHI is making its best to save every drop of water to meet their needs. Poor quality of water leads to serious health problems.

Work: Since every drop of water is precious, volunteers will work on water conservation work as well as educating people on WASH component. The creative volunteers may develop relevant education materials and all will have opportunities to be involved with physical construction/renovation works on sites. Similarly new ideas on water conservation for irrigation and environmental sanitation will be generated and put to practice for sustained food production in this agro based economy. Time permitting; volunteers may also be involved in cleaning existing water bodies and renovation of structures. During monsoon and winter rains these structures receive silt from upstream which reduces the storage affecting ground water recharge. The work will desilt/renovate the structures for effective reservoir of water.

Location: Baddi and Bandh

Location and Leisure: Baddi is a fast growing industrialized township of Solan district. It is close to Chandigarh city which is famous for its Rock Garden. RUCHI works in about 30 villages around Baddi town. The villages are small located on sloppy land with an average of 6 members in each family. Self organized city tours and excursions. Old Sikh and Hindu temples in the near vicinity can be visited. Nearby Kasauli town, a hill station, is a major tourist attraction. A visit to Shimla, the state capital, will offer an opportunity to see high Himalayan Mountains and British architecture.

Accommodation and food:  Volunteers will live in the RUCHI campus. All minimum basic amenities will be available with library facilities. Vegetarian food will be served. A cook will be there but volunteers are expected to help him and occasionally cook their own meals and self-management is required. Sleeping bags are not necessary but required for personal hygiene.

International Terminal: Chandigarh

Nearest railway station: Kalka

Requirements: Interest in water conservation, environment and climate change is required. Physical fitness, Flexibility and High level of motivation is desired for physical activity.

Language: Eng

Extra Fee: 220 EUR