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NICE-23L-AI07 | JAPÓN | AizuwakamatsucityFukushima... | EDU,ENVI | 08/07/2023 | 10/03/2024 |
Aizuwakamatsu | NICE-23L-AI07 | 2023-07-08 - 2024-03-10 | EDU,ENVI | Age: 18 - 99
This project is actively working for SDGs 1 (no poverty) and SDGs 4 (Quality Education), organized together with a local NPO, Terakoya Hojosha that aims to create a diverse learning environment that places children at the center and aims to promote children s participation in society. Their mission is to support Children s participation in society and create a happy future for children. A characteristic of the learning at Terakoya Hojosya is that it attends to children s interests. The aim to create a happy future with children, each and every one of whom is important. In their all projects, it is importance on approving and affirming children and fostering a sense of self-affirmation, which is the children s energy, through their connections with others.
Work: Volunteers will [1] Leaning support in Kodomo Shokudo(Children s cafeterias: It provides such children including those in the low income families with supper for free or at a low price.). Specifically, homework and subject learning is provided to about 15 primary and junior high school students. Volunteers also help with homework and crafts and make lunch and dinner together. [2]Supporting for nature activities (e.g. supporting children, preparing meals, preparing for hands-on learning, etc. It is not main work. It depend on season and timing.).
Accomodation and food: Shared rooms in accommodation owned by the organization. It is different place with activity place. Men and women separated room. Cooking by yourself. Staffs also stay at the facility. No wifi in accommodation(but there is wifi in activity place).
Location: AizuwakamatsucityFukushima
Location and Leisure: Aizuwakamatsu city is called Samurai city. It is located in the eastern part of the Aizu region of Fukushima prefecture. It is the central city of Aizu region, surrounded by rich nature, including Mt. Bandai and Lake Inawashiro and blessed with natural scenery. The organization is located in an area with an atmosphere of Taisho era Romanticism. Winter season (Dec.-Mar.) is quite cold, so vols. need to bring warm cloths.
Airport: NRT
Train/Bus station: The nearest airport is Tokyo (NRT or HND) from which it takes 5 hours by train and bus to the meeting point in Fukushima pref. Volunteers need to join On Arrival and Evaluation Seminars in Yokohama, so firstly should arrive at Tokyo airport by 08:00 on the starting day and can leave Tokyo airport after 18:00 on the ending day.
Requirements: Motivation letter is needed! Volunteers need to have some Japanese speaking skill (manage to have basic daily conversation), respect to the local culture and way of the local organization, positive attitude to communicate with children, being Interested alternative school, children s social patriation and child poverty, high motivation to work hard, open mind, cooperation with others.
Language: jap
Extra Fee: 72000 JPY
- Study theme Volunteers will get knowledge of alternative school, children's social participation, child poverty in Japan. - Other activities Join the local events, many opportunities to learn the local wisdom, etc. Sightseeing, short trip(hot springs, castle, famous places here). - Participation fee 12,000 JPY (90 USD by the rate on 2022 Dec. 23rd) per month till the 3rd month and 6,000 JPY per month from the 4th month of "NICE Volunteers" fee need to be paid in advance either by Card or PayPal. This is used for the project preparation/ coordination such as the transportation of the camp leaders while the meals and the accommodation are provided by the local host by free.
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