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VSS07 SERBIA Mosorin... RENO,MANU 29/07/2023 06/08/2023

Moshorin restaruation | VSS07 | 2023-07-29 - 2023-08-06 | RENO,MANU | Age: 18 - 99

"Club of fine crafts" was founded in 2010 in Mosorin. Our work focuses, on the one hand, on the promotion of forgotten earth construction techniques through theory, and on the other hand - on practical work through workshops, camps and schools of earth architecture. For the last few years, we have also been organizing festivals (Region Earth, LALA Earthland) for the use of earth and outside of architecture. The association gathers a large number of participants and volunteers during the construction season. Young Researchers of Serbia (YRS) was founded in 1976. Our main aims are environmental protection and education, promotion of sustainable development, work with young people in an international context, promotion of scientific creativity and voluntarism and its values. Voluntary Service of Serbia is a volunteer exchange service center founded in 1990 as one of the sectors of YRS.

Work: By promoting earthen architecture, you can, on the one hand - preserve, improve and adapt houses to a modern way of life, and on the other hand - train as many people as possible who could engage in renovation and construction as a hobby or a job. Volunteers will be involved in reconstruction of the objects in the assosiation using traditional building as well as making objects from mud. They will have an opportunity to learn more in educational workshops.

Accomodation and food: Volunteers stay in their tents. It would be good for volunteers to bring their own sleeping bags and bedding. There will be 3 outdoor showers and 2 composting toilets available. Vegetarian food is prepared by volunteers with the support of the camp leader (in agreement with the organizers) in the summer kitchen, which has a wood-burning stove and oven, a large bread oven and a gas stove.

Location: Mosorin

Location and Leisure: The village Mosorin is located at the foot of Titelski breg, which is a protected natural asset. The Tisa river is located 6 km from the village, although there is a beautiful and well-kept beach 14 km away in Titel. Isidore Sekulić s house is located in the village, and Svetozar Miletić was born there. There is a church in the village, as well as a chapel designed by the architect Đorđe Tabaković, and the iconostasis was made by Uroš Predić. There is the Vlaškalić villa, part of whose ceiling was painted by Uroš Predić.

Airport: BJY

Train/Bus station: Titel

From Belgrade you have a bus to Titel. Mosorin is about 14 km from Titel. There is a bus from Novi Sad to Mosorin. More details will be provided in the Infosheet about the meeting point.

Language: eng

Extra Fee: 0