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VSA2306-2 TAILANDIA ... ENVI,EDU,MANU 07/06/2023 18/06/2023

WASTE UPCYCLING Camp Songkhla | VSA2306-2 | 2023-06-07 - 2023-06-18 | ENVI,EDU,MANU | Age: 18 - 60

W_UP Tour are defined as a mixture of raising awareness tours and change-making actions organised by 3 European and 3 Asian non-profit organisations working on the field, with the purpose of: offering quality-learning experiences to international participants; raising awareness at international and local level on waste issues; financially supporting non-profit organisations and local communities through social entrepreneurship; helping the local community to manage better manage the waste. By valuing the know-how of the partners involved, the project aims to enhance the organisations’ competencies to host and implement change-making experiences on waste upcycling with common quality standards, and to develop an innovative sustainable entrepreneurial concept, based on non-formal education principles, to make positive impact in local communities. The W_UP tour will be implemented in each partner country and it will involve between 10 international participants traveling with 5 to 6 youth workers from the consortium. The Tour will last 12 days and will be focused on waste upcycling for entrepreneurial activities. During the trip the participants will discover the local context on waste management together with local community and stakeholders dealing with it, like experts, local NGOs, public institutions, local school and local people, to perform educational activities with young people, campaigns and workshops on waste upcycling. In the last days of the W_UP Tour a dissemination event with local authorities and relevant stakeholders will be organized to present the outcomes of the mobility and raise awareness in the local communities.

Work: The aim of the project is to create a mobility scheme, labelled W_UP Tour, to support young people and non-profit organisations to develop entrepreneurial activities on waste upcycling both in Europe and in Asia. Organize workshop and activities on waste upcycling with local people, local School and university (local partner) intercultural exchange (buddy program) - mission on upcycling in the village and city, clean up the beach Target participants: international and Thai volunteers Target waste: Plastic, Tyre Workcamp activities: Day 1/Wed 7 Jun : Arrival and Welcome LH Day 2/Thurs 8 Jun : Introduction and Workshop on Waste Upcycling LH Day 3/Fri 9 Jun: Workshop on Waste Upcycling@Ban Ton San School Day 4/Sat 10 Jun : Hat Yai City / Buddy Program with TSU/Clean up the beach with DMCR Day 5/Sun 11 Jun : Free day Day 6/Mon 12 Jun: Workshop on Waste Upcycling@Ban Ton San School Day 7/Tue 13: Workshop on Waste Upcycling@Wat Leab School Day 8/Wed 14: Workshop on Waste Upcycling@Non Formal Education Day 9/Thurs 15: Visit Department of Marine Resources and Crab Bank (study visit)/Clean up the beach with DMCR Day 10/Fri 16 : Free day Day 11/Sat 17 : the W_UP Tour a dissemination event with local authorities and relevant stakeholders Day 12: Evaluation and Departure Workshop and activities on waste upcycling; Making furniture from Tyre Making water can, toys, etc. from plastic bottles. Local organization: Learning Home, Ban Suan Tanapon, Ban Ton San School, Wat Leab School, Non Formal Education Khlong La Sub district office, Thaksin University, Depart of Marine and Coastal Resource ,Crab Bank

Accomodation and food: Volunteer will stay at Learning Home (Homestay) in Thai style dormitory. Share one big room together, separate male and female. Basic and simple. Mattress, pillow, blanket and fan are provided. Washing clothes by hand or using an automatic washing machine with coins. Internet can be used at the school. No internet at Learnign HOME Local Thai Food is provided.


Location and Leisure: VSA Learning Home, Khlong Hoi Khong District, Songkhla Pho Temple, Khok Ko Temple, Klongla Reservior, Samila Beach , Hat Yai city.

Airport: HDY

Train/Bus station: Hatyai Airport, Hatyai train station, Hatyai Bus station

VSA LEARNING HOME at 14:00 p.m. on 07 June 2023

Language: eng

Extra Fee: 9500 THB