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VSA2403-2 TAILANDIA ... EDU,KIDS,LANG 18/03/2024 30/03/2024

InterCutural and Language (ICL) camp - Songkhla 18-30/03/24 | VSA2403-2 | 2024-03-18 - 2024-03-30 | EDU,KIDS,LANG | Age: 18 - 65

Intercultural and Language (ICL) – Songkhla, learning and sharing the intercultural and language still are the main purpose. Volunteers will share and exchange culture, language, and knowledge with the local community and students in the school. English as the global language and intercultural learning are important for local Thai people to understand and be for global citizens. English is also the gateway to open mind and knowledge. The project was created by VSA Thailand in 2011 and has been successful for eight years. Former volunteers came to give the opportunity for children in schools and the local community. Many local people improved their English skills through exchanging with international volunteers, or at least they try to speak the English language more and dare to face and work with the foreigner even though they cannot speak English. Moreover, volunteers’ activities impacted the local community. They used to stay lively and trusty with the foreigner. Local people have a chance to learn, accept, and adopt the ways of life with the different cultures. Songkhla is a VSA basement, there are many schools that require international volunteers to teach in their school. So, volunteer expect to work in rural school which ready on duration of volunteer staying

Work: Volunteer will be divided to work in rural school as English teachers, preparing lessons with the teacher at the school (do not expect this point too much even the teachers are also shy to speak out). Creative teaching English–Non-formal education tools can be used for creative teaching; volunteer is not required teaching certificate but requiring to be creative. Aims of creative teaching is giving the chance for students in the school and local community to have an opportunity to communicate with different language and learn difference culture. Volunteer would use Non-formal education tools to make an activities base on intercultural and language such as the games, songs, storytelling, and dancing. Also, it should focus on communication; listening and speaking

Accomodation and food: Stay at Learning Home or with a local home stay (shared room with other volunteers). Volunteers expect to cook with Thai ingredient. Internet can be used at the school.


Location and Leisure: Address: Learning HOME 19/1 M.6 Klongla Klonghoikhong Songkhla Leisure activity Pakla Temple, Klongla Reservior

Airport: HDY

Train/Bus station: Hatyai train station, Hatyai Bus station

Language: eng

Extra Fee: 9500 THB